Motion Planning using C++

In this exercise, we’ll explore MoveIt’s C++ interface to programatically move a robot.


Now that we’ve got a working MoveIt! configuration for your workcell and we’ve played a bit in RViz with the planning tools, let’s perform planning and motion in code. This exercise will introduce you to the basic C++ interface for interacting with the MoveIt! node in your own program. There are lots of ways to use MoveIt!, but for simple applications this is the most straight forward.

3. Further Information and Resources

Scan-N-Plan Application: Problem Statement

In this exercise, your goal is to modify the myworkcell_core node to:

  1. Move the robot’s tool frame to the center of the part location as reported by the service call to your vision node.

Scan-N-Plan Application: Guidance

Using MoveItCpp

  1. Edit your myworkcell_node.cpp file. In the ScanNPlan class’s start method, use the response from the LocalizePart service to initialize a new move_target variable:

    geometry_msgs::msg::Pose move_target;
    move_target.header.frame_id = base_frame;
    move_target.pose = response->pose;
    • make sure to place this code after the call to the vision_node’s service.
  2. Create a MoveItCpp object and a PlanningComponent object which will be used for performing the motion planning

    1. Add these lines in the start function:

      auto moveit_cpp = std::make_shared<moveit::planning_interface::MoveItCpp>(this->shared_from_this());
      moveit::planning_interface::PlanningComponent arm("manipulator", moveit_cpp);
      arm.setGoal(move_target, "tool0");
      const auto plan_solution = arm.plan();
    2. Add required dependencies in your CMakeLists.txt:

      find_package(moveit_msgs REQUIRED)
      find_package(moveit_ros_planning_interface REQUIRED)
      find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)
      target_link_libraries(myworkcell_node Boost::system)

      and in package.xml:

    3. Add includes at the top of file for the needed MoveIt components:

      #include <moveit/moveit_cpp/moveit_cpp.h>
      #include <moveit/moveit_cpp/planning_component.h>
  3. Currently, MoveIt2 uses many parameters that are not declared ahead of time. To enable this, we have to construct our ROS2 node with an option to automatically declare parameters when they are set in a launch file. Modify the ScanNPlan constructor to start with the following:

    ScanNPlan() : Node("scan_n_plan", rclcpp::NodeOptions().automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides(true))
      if (! this->has_parameter("base_frame"))
        this->declare_parameter("base_frame", "world");

    Note that the previous declare_parameter will now throw an exception if the parameter gets automatically declared which is why we first check if the parameter already exists now.


  1. Currently MoveIt2 doesn’t support executing planned trajectories directly through the MoveIt interface. Instead, we will configure the node to manually send the planned trajectory to another node for execution. In the constructor, add a publisher for a joint trajectory:

    trajectory_pub_ = this->create_publisher<trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory>(
      "fake_joint_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory", rclcpp::QoS(1));

    Add the Publisher as a member of the class alongside the already-existing service client variable:

    rclcpp::Publisher<trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory>::SharedPtr trajectory_pub_;
  2. Add the following lines after the motion planning code in the start function:

    if (plan_solution)
      moveit_msgs::msg::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory;

Launch files and testing

  1. Open your and replace it with the following contents:

    import os
    import yaml
    import launch
    import launch_ros
    from ament_index_python import get_package_share_directory
    def get_package_file(package, file_path):
        """Get the location of a file installed in an ament package"""
        package_path = get_package_share_directory(package)
        absolute_file_path = os.path.join(package_path, file_path)
        return absolute_file_path
    def load_file(file_path):
        """Load the contents of a file into a string"""
            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        except EnvironmentError: # parent of IOError, OSError *and* WindowsError where available
            return None
    def load_yaml(file_path):
        """Load a yaml file into a dictionary"""
            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
                return yaml.safe_load(file)
        except EnvironmentError: # parent of IOError, OSError *and* WindowsError where available
            return None
    def run_xacro(xacro_file):
        """Run xacro and output a file in the same directory with the same name, w/o a .xacro suffix"""
        urdf_file, ext = os.path.splitext(xacro_file)
        if ext != '.xacro':
            raise RuntimeError(f'Input file to xacro must have a .xacro extension, got {xacro_file}')
        os.system(f'xacro {xacro_file} -o {urdf_file}')
        return urdf_file
    def generate_launch_description():
        moveit_config_file = get_package_file('myworkcell_moveit_config', 'config/moveit.yaml')
        xacro_file = get_package_file('myworkcell_support', 'urdf/workcell.urdf.xacro')
        urdf_file = run_xacro(xacro_file)
        srdf_file = get_package_file('myworkcell_moveit_config', 'config/myworkcell.srdf')
        kinematics_file = get_package_file('myworkcell_moveit_config', 'config/kinematics.yaml')
        ompl_config_file = get_package_file('myworkcell_moveit_config', 'config/ompl_planning.yaml')
        moveit_config = load_yaml(moveit_config_file)
        robot_description = load_file(urdf_file)
        robot_description_semantic = load_file(srdf_file)
        kinematics_config = load_yaml(kinematics_file)
        ompl_config = load_yaml(ompl_config_file)
        return launch.LaunchDescription([
                        'base_frame': 'world',
                        'robot_description': robot_description,
                        'robot_description_semantic': robot_description_semantic,
                        'robot_description_kinematics': kinematics_config,
                        'ompl': ompl_config,
    • Note that this uses the same set of helper functions that we previously added to
    • All of the extra complexity is used to build the set of parameters for the myworkcell_node node.
  2. Modify to remove the GUI-based joint_state_publisher. It is replaced by a fake_joint_driver node which is our stand in for the robot and is the node that will receive the joint trajectory that myworkcell_node publishes.

    -    node_name='joint_state_publisher_gui',
    -    package='joint_state_publisher_gui',
    -    node_executable='joint_state_publisher_gui',
    -    output='screen',
    +    package='fake_joint_driver',
    +    node_executable='fake_joint_driver_node',
    +    output='screen',
    +    parameters=[
    +        {'robot_description': load_file(urdf_file)},
    +        get_package_file("myworkcell_moveit_config", "config/fake_controllers.yaml"),
    +    ],
  3. Now let’s test the system!

    colcon build
    ros2 launch myworkcell_support
    ros2 launch myworkcell_support